It was a bloody cold one today, didn't get above freezing, and was snowing, but I was determined to get some progress.
Got the carbs on, noticed the throttle assembly is knackered, so will need to fix that... Need to order some more jubilee clips for the air filters...
Thought best to get the engine in tight, went to put the head steady on; had to drill the mounts and the frame to get it to fit. I got it all on after a load of jiggling and fiddling, then went to put the tank on....
Holy shit, how did I miss this.... Hadn't tried the tank on with the head steady on!
Had to have a sit and a thing and a very hot strong coffee....
There was 2 options, make a skinnier mount, or change the tank....
Now I've heard a lot about head steadies not wanting to be too rigid. With the heat of the engine, everything grows and what not, puts stresses on the frame etc....
So even though it would be a ball ache, I decided to cut the tank!!!!!!!!!
I didn't want to destroy the paint, so would have to be as delicate as a mad man can be with a grinder and welder....
Marked up what I would need to cut and kept the tank on an old jumper so it didn't scratch too bad..
Took a while to cut it out, then clean all the paint off..
Made up some trays or inserts to put in the tank....
Then tacked and welded the buggers in place
Finally the tank was put on the bike, and hallelujah! The bugger now fits!
It's a bit 2 steps forward one back, but good progress none the less....
bloody great! looks ace, and mighty satisfying to...if you don't see the wood for the trees, cut some neat chunks outta the trees for a better look! ace.