Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Ornamental Conifer

I met Nico last year in the Trip out, turned out we had common friends, and it got us talking. I'd seen his work, and been following his blog for a while. Being the Gentleman he is, he offered to do me a sign for Sarah and my wedding which is just a couple of weeks away. Just seen the pictures on his blog, and its awesome!

In the last 4 years or so, they guys I've met through the bike community have been a pleasure, willing to help, share, and generally be good guys. 

Check out Nico's work on his blog Ornamental Conifer - a craftsman in a world of incompetents....

1 comment:

  1. Lovely indeed TC, and bang on the money regarding the parting comment, all the best for the big day of knot tying.
