Monday, 19 September 2016

White Knuckle ride

Well; I've been on quite the ride getting this one finished. 

The normal battle of family / work and motivation was tough on this one. I'm getting quicker with my builds, but this one was cutting it fine. I had all but given up getting the bike finished for the Trip out, but then I had 3 days clear up in my diary - so like a dervish I set to work to get everything finished and out to respective other people, chrome, paint etc...

I had some great help from my buddy Mike Birch on a couple of very late nights, but the night before the trip out (nay - 1am on the morning of) we rolled the bike off the lift and started kicking.

We had a spark, fuel fumes through the exhaust and oil circulating, but time was not on my side. we loaded her up on the truck and early morning she was off with me down to the trip out.

It was great to see the bike all together and out in daylight for the first time, and I was really happy with how she looking. there is an issue in that the chain touches the mudguard, so that needs to come back off and be modified and touched up, and then just get her running right. I took a few tips from guys at the trip out, Sebastian from the Jokers told me a few things to try with the carb, so fingers crossed its a small fettle away from running... 

this is definitely my best bike yet. clean, simple, no bullshit, but plenty of "me" in the little details.

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