Wanted to get my exhausts looking better, there were a couple of pinholes, plus some low spots from welding, so I drilled out the areas (so they were clean) and then spot welded them up....
The back of one of the exhausts was a bit of a mess. Couldn't really be happy putting this onnthe bike....
Decided it best to chop it out and try again....
Cleaned up pretty nicely, that's what I love with working with metal!
I've been putting bits off until 'when it warms up a bit', that day doesn't seem to be coming! Time to get the engine in I think!
Laid the engine safely on the floor next to the frame, then gently lowered the frame over the top so I didn't trash the powdercoat. Left cover had to come off....
Got it sorted, and a mate popped round to help me start getting it together...
This is as far as I got for now....
It's coming together nicely, well pleased. Hopefully I can get another couple of hours in tomorrow...
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