Sneaked a couple of hours in today on the 45.
Started cleaning up the tanks....
After Indi asking about the integrity of tanks that have been chopped I had a run over the welds to make doubly sure...
I've been putting off doing anything to the frame, the fear of buggering up Toddy's hard work, but thought it best to man up and take my time to get the tanks mounted. Turned up some stainless bungs to weld into the frame, then set a string line up to ensure the bike was vertical. Plenty of marking and measuring, then time to drill....
Happy with that effort, I used some laser cut tabs (well worth buying in IMO) for the base tab...
That allowed me to have just one tank mounted, so I could check clearances.... The tank was sitting too high, and there was plenty of room for me to drop it, so I trimmed the front of the lip....
I had a little play with bars for 5 mins, and these bars were shovel bars until mr grinder had his way... Contemplating some of cro's handlebar clamps if I go down this route....
Matched the second tank to the first, and they are beginning to look how I want! Still the front mounts to figure out, which will also even the spacing out between the 2. The plan is for a 5mm gap down the middle of the 2, a bit of metal beating, and I'm afraid some filler before that looks right though...
Oh, and the seat came with an xs650 project I bought to sell on. It's comfy as hell!
Lookin good man!! Love the bars!