This is my spray booth!!
Got it all finished and the final cover on and put it in the back bedroom for safe keeping. I couldn’t believe it when my bloody kittens had scaled up a small bookcase, which toppled over and smacked into the tank!!!!! Another session of sanding down, filling and re-spraying.
Had a bit of a play with gold leafing as previous, and wanted to have a bash on the tank. I wasn’t really sure what to put on the tank, had various ideas, which grew and grew until I had drawn up a design that looked like Lawrence Llewellen-Bowen had draw it up. After the comments on the back plate for the number plate looking like a sign for a gay bar, I had a re-think and realised that it doesn’t need to look perfect, and too contrived. So I brought it back to the shed built roots, and just decided to freehand some lettering on the tank. Armed with liquid mask and my beloved sharpies I just roughed out some lettering for leafing.
As you can see in the second picture, I could doodle about on the mask to get things right.
I also drew up some freehand outlines of a scallop type shape on the side of the tank.
Armed with a scalpel I cut out the designs as best as possible, and sized up the design one piece at a time
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