Wednesday, 30 April 2014


Guy popped round last week and we had a bit of a chop afternoon. Always good to have great company!

Second tank all chopped. Loads of work still to do on them, but looking good.

My baby springer also showed up. It's gonna need some loving, but can't wait to get cracking on it!

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Busy busy!

Gotta maximise every bit of time I get up the barn now. Today was the sissy bar for the 345 (or the Kenosha kicker as it's now known), and narrowing tanks for the pan.

Monday, 7 April 2014

Narrow wideglides

Had a spare day due to a last minute cancellation- sheer joy- a sneaky day up the barn!

Cracked on with the wideglide yokes today - time for more narrowing!